Solaris 10 5/08 or laterYou can download or order the media for Solaris 10 at. The X2250 server supports the following minimum Solaris Operating System. Depending on the installation method chosen to install Solaris, you will need to have either the Solaris Distribution CD/DVD, ISO image, or JumpStart image readily available for installation. Proper format of Solaris 10 distribution files. Installation RequirementsBefore starting the Solaris 10 installation, you should ensure the following requirements are met. Sun Fire X2250 Server Operating System Installation GuideC H A P T E R 2Solaris InstallationThis chapter contains instructions for installing the Solaris 10 Operating System from network or media, and is intended for experienced system administrators who are familiar with using the Solaris OS on an x86 platform.Note - If you are configuring the preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System that is shipped with the server, refer to the Sun Fire X2250 Server Installation Guide.This chapter contains the following topics.